Acqua Design Group
Direct mail campaigns drive customers to studio sales
My Role
- Direct Mail Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Data Analysis
- Print Design
- Email Design & Production
- Typography
- Direct Mail Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Data Analysis
- Print Design
- Email Design & Production
- Typography
The Acqua Design Group has held a semi-annual designer sale at the Acqua Hotel in Marin County, California, for the past eight years. Direct mail postcards are sent out approximately four weeks before an event with a reinforcement email hitting inboxes a few days the estimated delivery date, with a final reminder email going out a few days before the sale to keep the event top-of-mind for customer. Since working on the campaigns emails have seen consistent above industry average open rates—as high as 69% opens—with 32% click thrus. The end result: higher attendance year over year and a growing mailing list.